

Thursday, March 23, 2017

September 26, 2016 - BEcome a "With Your Heart" Listener!


Soo….This week I learned A LOT and we had some VERY cool things happen.

First off Sister Rhodes is doing SO WELL. This week she was able to get a priesthood blessing for her back which was insane because for weeks she just wouldn't take the step, but she did and it was incredible to see the power of God bless her! It just looked like a weight was lifted off of her shoulders. We have had some incredible lessons with her and she knows that the Book of Mormon is true because she has continued to put the work in to know! We are praying so hard that she will find the strength to commit to a baptism date. As we were at her home with the Wilkinson's they shared with her that she needed to focus on her testimony. It reminded me that unless our faith in Christ is continually strengthened it is impossible to continually do hard things! She was sick for church yesterday morning, but last night we had a fireside. The Elders said that when she walked in she told them that she fought to be there last night. As she left her smile stretched from ear to ear. IT WAS THE BIGGEST SMILE I HAVE EVER SEEN. I was so joyful to see her so happy because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Another Miracle: Sister Campbell came to the broadcast on Saturday for all the women of our church. The whole time her face was fixed strictly on that screen and she was listening so intently I could have blown a horn in her ear and she wouldn't have been able to hear me. At the end we were asking her how it was and she told us the she felt like the talks were just for her. THE SPIRIT IS SO COOL. We are so blessed to have God's mouth pieces here on the earth today to lead and guide us and give us his word: it is so sweet!
We see success as we are obedient. I felt discouraged this week at times when I felt that I wasn't perfect, but I stepped back and remembered that the Lord just asks us to give our all and if we look for all of the imperfections in that we will find them. I am hard on myself. Harder than I should be at times. It is a struggle to find that balance, but I know I will! The good thing is, I am really good at knowing what I desire to become better at and I am learning how to plan to reach those goals.
We felt like we should be praying for media referrals. We did. We got one a few days later. Sometimes it is just a matter of asking haha!
Well, I LOVE MY CALLING. I hope you can see my smile through this screen as I say it.

My challenge this week is simple: BEcome a "with your heart" listener! I feel that there is no better place to be this next weekend than with Jesus Christ as he speaks to us through his beloved prophets, apostles, and other church leaders! HE LOVES US AND STILL SPEAKS TO US. I know if we listen not just with our hearts, but with our ears: HE WILL ANSWER.


Sister Justina Campbell
West Virginia Charleston Mission

This is Dennis Schmith. He is a recent convert. We love him.

And the woman is Sister Howell, aka super mission mom and super member missionary (:

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